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Our Services

Our Services: Our Services

Domiciliary Care

We are passionate about providing innovative community and domiciliary programmes which are highly focused on helping people with learning disabilities, autism or mental health needs to live a fulfilling life of their choice. Individuals have a tailored care package to meet their needs and the correct level of support required. How we support our service user may include providing advice, prompting or assisting with:

  • 1-1 Support

  • Meal Planning, Shopping and Cooking

  • Companionship

  • Supervision with Medication

  • Budgeting, Paying Bills, Tenancy Upkeep

  • Any Small House Chores such as; cleaning, ironing etc.

  • Communicating and working in Partnership with District nurses, GPs, Care Coordinators and Home teams.

  • Personal Care such as washing. (Currently in the process of registering with the CQC for regulated activities. Will be confirmed)

24 Hour Supported Services

One of our supported accommodations has been aligned to meet the needs of our patients. It is a suitable alternative to those who are ready to be discharged from the hospital or those who are requiring 24-hour support in the community to allow a more open lifestyle.
The pathway is different for each individual and we can tailor the complete package around every person and their respective needs.


Our services also include supporting and caring for the family members, covering their needs as well as the clients. Continuing Care's aim is to make the experience as stress-free as possible for the client and the family.
Respite care can be offered from a few hours to a long weekend. All of our staff are trained in providing support and ensuring the highest standard of care possible.



We are passionate about physical and mental health rehabilitation, for people who have recently been discharged from hospital. Staff will aim to help individuals to get confidence, and live as independently as possible. They will focus on things like:

  • Working on motivation, planning and organisation

  • Access to Leisure and Social Activities

  • Maintaining links with family and friends

  • Learning new skills

  • Managing symptoms

  • Accessing Public Services

Our Services: Pro Gallery
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